Specialty Areas

Our “specialty areas” are those in which we most enjoy working.  These types of videos are not normally flashy or trendy, but they serve an important purpose and tend to wear well.  Our goal is to push the quality of these productions to the highest levels possible within often tight budgetary and time constraints.


Government – federal, state and local – is FVP’s number one client.

Over the years we have produced myriad projects for dozens of government agencies, as well as their associated grant-funded entities and related programs.

Some popular government video project types are:

* Program Updates

* Employee Training / Continuing Education

* Department Head Addresses

* Agency Overviews

* Event Documentation

* Grant Accountability



FVP has created a broad spectrum of materials for corporate entities – from 30 second television commercials and PSA’s to lengthy and complex training modules and product demonstrations.  Since corporate video needs are so diverse, only a few of the project types with which we have had experience are listed below:

* Organizational Updates

* Training and Safety

* Product Demonstration

* Corporate Profiles

* Image / Awareness

* Morale / Motivational

* Television Spots and PSA’s


Educational Entities

From State Universities to local school districts to adult education classrooms, Foley Video has produced scores of projects that inform and motivate administrators, teachers, and students.

A few popular uses of video for educational entities are:

* Program Regulation Updates

* Continuing Education

* Best Practices

* Student Instructional/Tutorial

* Distance Learning Modules

* Event and Speaker Documentation



Associations and Groups

We are always happy to work with grant-funded entities, associations, non-profits, service clubs, religious organizations and other groups. In many instances, their needs are similar to those of government and corporate clients – but usually with a different perspective and approach.

Some of the association and group project types we have produced are:

* Community Awareness

* Fundraising

* Recruiting and Training

* Event Coverage

* Continuing Education

* Television Spots and PSA’s


Conference, Seminar, and Event Coverage

Comprehensive conference, symposium, workshop and training seminar coverage is one of our specialties. We can document your event highlights from beginning to end – or capture specific sessions, speakers and other elements in their entirety. 

 This service is especially valuable in these days of rising prices and curtailed travel. Cutbacks have an obvious impact on your event attendance – and shrinking numbers can endanger your event funding for next year and beyond. Plus – good turnout or not – you still have large amounts of information that should be communicated beyond the confines of the conference. And the best way to do that is through video.

Some of the coverage options we offer are:

 * Highlight Documentation

 * Full-Length Sessions and Workshops

 * Keynote Speakers and Addresses

 * Opening and Closing Sessions

 * After-Session Wrapup Meetings

 * Reception and Luncheon Coverage

In many cases, on-site event coverage is just the first step. Clients often use the footage for further training, communication and promotional purposes. Some of the most common applications are:

* Marketing / Promotional Materials — usually a highlight video to promote future conferences — or as part of a larger project presenting an overview of an entire entity.

* Training, Updates and Continuing Education — video can help keep everyone updated on new rules and procedures, and provide “you are there” training to people who could not attend. Plus, video of some sessions might qualify for continuing education credits.




In this time of COVID-19…

…your access to production services may be curtailed, but your need for video is perhaps greater than ever.  Internet-based training, marketing, fundraising, continuing education and more must still be offered to your employees and clients – and Foley Video can help.  If you can find a way to shoot the material, even on a cell phone, just send it to us.  We will edit, insert graphics, apply branding, and totally polish your project into something you’ll be proud to distribute.  It may be the closest thing to “business-as-usual” in these most unusual times.

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(850) 980-3034

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Foley Video Productions, Inc. is based in Tallahassee, Florida.  Our office hours are 9 am – 6 pm Monday thru Friday.  Weekends by appointment.